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Coronavirus Response Labor Resources


July 15, 2020

十大网赌靠谱网址平台劳工委员会已经开始与Local 399就新合同进行谈判. Building Members are encouraged to complete the new signatory forms. 与IUOE Local 399的现有建筑工程师合同此前已延长至9月14日.

SEIU Health and Welfare Benefits Extended through August 31, 2020

June 18, 2020

参与雇主健康信托基金的受托人投票决定将因大流行而被解雇的员工的健康和福利待遇延长至8月31日, 2020. 额外的保险不会给雇主带来任何额外的费用或贡献.

BOMA/Chicago Contract with IUOE Local 399 Extended through September

April 28, 2019

由于我们继续应对COVID-19的影响,由于我们无法聚集在一起进行谈判, 我们已经与国际运营工程师联盟(International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399)达成协议,将现有的建筑工程师合同延长至9月14日, 2020.


Please note the agreement is exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, 请滚动到页面顶部,点击“登录”,使用您的用户名和密码登录. 登录后,您将看到页面底部列出的收费协议链接.


Updated June 18, 2020

On March 27, 2020, BOMA/Chicago董事会批准了与SEIU Local 1的协议备忘录(MOA),该协议于3月26日生效, 2020. 如果您是会员并登录了该网站,可以在本页底部访问到MOA的链接.

Please review carefully the MOA, which provides Employers with much-needed flexibility to adjust the number, scope, schedule, 鉴于2019冠状病毒病大流行,安全和清洁人员的工作时间随着建筑条件的变化而不断变化.

  • If a reduction in force is necessary due to a change in scope, Employers need not provide the required 10-day advance notice.
  • Employers have the flexibility to change assignments, change schedules, 并改变每周工作时数,以应对COVID-19大流行的影响. 雇主应继续尽可能多地通知受影响的员工,并通知工会. (These provisions are addressed in paragraphs 4 and 5.)
  • 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》规定,因工作场所感染COVID-19而被雇主指示不上班的员工,将按正常安排的费率获得最多两周的带薪休假.
  • Employees will be allowed to use their accrued PTO, if available, 如果员工因COVID-19而个人决定自我隔离.
  • MOA还指出,BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台和工会将建议因大流行而被解雇的员工能够继续从SEIU本地1和参与雇主健康信托基金获得健康保险,从他们被解雇或失去资格之日起再延长30天. The Trustees of the Health Trust retain authority to make this change, 且《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》规定,该等额外承保不会导致雇主承担任何额外费用或承担任何费用. (These provisions are addressed in paragraphs 1 – 3.) The Trustees of the Health Trust approved that recommendation today.

The MOA expires on April 26, 2020.

On March 31, 2020, BOMA/Chicago labor attorney, Jeremy Glenn with Cozen O'Connor, 在网络研讨会上回顾了MOA和联邦经济刺激计划. BOMA/Chicago members can view webinar and slides (members will need to login to view).

How Health Insurance Extension Under the MOA Will Work

与SEIU Local 1的原始合同规定在裁员发生的整个月内提供健康保险. Under the MOA, 任何因COVID-19影响而被解雇的人都将获得额外30天的医疗保险延期. 《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》规定,该等额外保险不会导致雇主承担任何额外费用或承担任何费用.
Here are some examples of how this would work:

  • Layoff effective today through March 31 => Under original contract, Health Insurance would end March 31. Under MOA, Health Insurance will be extended through April 30
  • Layoff effective April 1 through April 30 => Under original contract, Health Insurance would end April 30. Under MOA, Health Insurance will be extended through May 31

Please note the Memorandum of Agreement is exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, 请滚动到页面顶部,点击“登录”,使用您的用户名和密码登录. 登录后,您将看到页面底部列出的协议备忘录的链接.


March 27, 2020

BOMA/Chicago和工会还同意了一项相关的收费协议,规定双方将在30天内基本上推迟申诉, arbitrations, and any other applicable statutes of limitations, 根据《十大网赌靠谱网址》或现有的集体谈判协议提出申诉.


Please note the Tolling Agreement is exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, 请滚动到页面顶部,点击“登录”,使用您的用户名和密码登录. 登录后,您将看到页面底部列出的收费协议链接.

Labor Contract Guidance for Signatory Buildings

March 20, 2020

To assist our building members and contractors, 重要的是要了解我们的集体谈判协议在当前和未改变的形式下允许和要求什么.

BOMA/Chicago的劳工律师提供了一份备忘录,解释和澄清了与IUOE Local 399的集体谈判协议中有关工作量变化的有关规定, COVID-19大流行导致的人员配置和薪酬问题.

Please note the memo is exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, 请滚动到页面顶部,点击“登录”,使用您的用户名和密码登录. 登录后,您将看到页面底部列出的备忘录链接.

Recap of Federal Economic Relief in Response to Coronavirus

March 20, 2020

On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, the Senate passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and President Trump signed the bill into law.

BOMA/Chicago’s labor law firm, Cozen O'Connor, 概述了该法律的一些主要条款,其中包括对FMLA的修改, paid sick leave, health care, tax credits and unemployment. 所有BOMA/Chicago会员都可以使用概述,并且需要您登录到网站才能查看和访问下面概述文档的链接.


Please note the recap is exclusive to BOMA/Chicago members. To access, you must be a member and you must log into the website. If you have not yet logged in, 请滚动到页面顶部,点击“登录”,使用您的用户名和密码登录. Once you log in, you will see the link to the recap at the bottom of the page.
